Wilson® MOUSE OUT™
Rodent Sonic-Repel
Former name: Wilson® PREDATOR® Sonic-Repel™
Trying your best to to get rid of mice and rats in your home, but still finding them in living spaces? What to do? Get MOUSE OUT Rodent Sonic-Repel. It creates ultrasonic sound waves that humans and most pets can’t hear, but bothers mice and rats to the point that they won’t venture into these acoustically protected areas. Sounds like a great idea.
Creates ultrasonic barrier that repels mice and rats from rooms
Creates ultrasonic barrier that repels mice and rats from rooms
Easy to use – compact unit plugs into any 120V AC wall outlet
Easy to use – compact unit plugs into any 120V AC wall outlet
Won't affect humans, pets, farm animals, birds or fish
Won't affect humans, pets, farm animals, birds or fish
Doesn't interfere with radio or television sets, electrical appliances, garage door openers or pacemakers
Doesn't interfere with radio or television sets, electrical appliances, garage door openers or pacemakers


Step 1
Place the equipment on a table, shelf or mount on the wall near an electrical outlet. Best placement is 0.5 to 1 m off the floor with the speaker grill aimed at known problem areas. Ultrasonic sound is highly directional and will be reflected by hard surfaces to literally fill a room with the sound pressure.
Step 2
Plug into any electrical outlet
Do not plug in unit behind drapes or other sound absorbing material.
- Do not keep rodent pets, gerbils, rabbits, hamsters or guinea pigs in an ultrasonically protected area. They may be sensitive to these ultrasonic waves.
It is a reusable product.
No active ingredients: unit generates ultrasonic airwaves.
Frequently asked questions about Wilson MOUSE OUT Rodent Sonic-Repel
It generates ultrasonic sound waves that create an acoustically hostile environment that mice and rats don’t want to venture into.
Yes. It generates ultrasonic sound waves that are too high for humans and most pets to hear. As well, there are no poisons, mechanical traps, nor mouse disposal issues when you use MOUSE OUT Rodent Sonic-Repel. It simply keeps rodents from entering that area.
You simply need to plug device into any electrical outlet. Best placement is 0.5 to 1 m off the floor with the speaker grill aimed at known problem areas. Ultrasonic sound is highly directional and will be reflected by hard surfaces to literally fill a room with the sound pressure. Do not place units behind drapes or other sound absorbing material. This device covers areas up to 46m2.
This product should be used in rooms where signs of mouse or rat activity are observed, particularly in areas where food is consumed, prepared or stored. Storage areas and paper products often attract mice and rats.
Whenever you see mouse droppings, you know that you have an unwanted visitor. Mice reproduce quickly. You can be almost certain there are more than one. To control an infestation, you might use more than one strategy to eliminate the problem quickly, such as mouse bait stations or traps, in conjunction with MOUSE OUT Rodent Sonic-Repel.
No. Ultrasound is directional and can't penetrate anything solid. For problems with pests in walls or foundations, contact a professional pest control operator.
No. Ultrasound is one tool used in an integrated pest management program. It should be used in combination with other pest control methods.
These devices have been perfected so much over the years that the exact soundwaves that are specific for mice are designed and tested, and then approved for sale by the federal government. They are especially effective over the first few months. Over time, some mice might get used to the sound waves. That is why it is recommended to support your mouse strategy with traps and bait stations to complete mouse eradication in your home.
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