How to control slugs and snails in the garden

Slugs and snails are slimy mollusks that are similar looking other than slugs lack a shell. They are nocturnal in nature and feed on leaves, vegetables and fruits mostly at night. 

During sunny days they seek hiding places under plants with dense foliage or in areas with lots of moisture. As Slugs & Snails move they leave a silvery slime trail which is sometimes the only indication of their presence in the garden. During periods of high humidity and moisture their population can quickly explode. 

How to get rid of them?

To help control, apply baits or controls in areas of high moisture, or under plants with heavy foliage, and it can greatly help reduce the population. Baits containing iron phosphate can also be effective to control slugs and snails. You can also use baits containing iron phosphate. On advantage is that they are pets and children safe.