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Bed bugs are usually no more than 4 to 5 mm (1/8 to ¼-inch) in length in their adult state. They may cause itchy bites and can engorge themselves with human blood in less than 15 minutes — causing their bodies to fill to as much as three times their usual size. Bed bugs are a big problem in large cities and apartment buildings.
The most common way a bed bug will enter your home is through international travel, or by travelling from a nearby infested unit. But you can also bring bedbugs home with you by being around someone else whose home is infested.
To identify bed bug infestations, look for the following: molted bed bug skins, fecal spots, or the bugs themselves along mattress seams, behind head boards, and along baseboards.
For effective control; launder all fabrics or let them heat up in the dryer for 1 hour on high. Vacuum the affected area thoroughly, dispose of the vacuum bag and spray your room with Wilson® BED BUG OUT® Bed Bug Killer and vacate for at least 15 minutes, and aerate before re-entering.