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You're starting a garden and want it to be a complete success? Did you know several plants naturally repel insects, nematodes and garden pests?
Also, some plants can be used as companion plants. They will make your life easier if you place them in the right spots in your garden, or in containers on your patio.
Everybody knows lemon grass repels mosquitoes with its strong, lemony smell. You must cut a few leaves, as this plant only gives off its odour when leaves are cut. Then, place them on your patio table.
This herb will repel flies, mosquitoes and ants. Place it on a window ledge or patio table. Varieties like lemon basil and cinnamon basil are especially effective against mosquitoes.
Most insects hate the smell of peppermint. The strong smell repels many insects such as mites, ants, flies, mosquitoes and spiders, and veggie garden pests as well.
Place a few bunches of fresh or dried mint near ant trails, or on window sills.
In addition to repelling mosquitoes, rosemary attracts butterflies. Throw a few branches in the barbecue; the pleasant smell will keep mosquitoes at bay.
Most people love the smell of lavender as well as its calming effect. As it repels mosquitoes, you can plant a few plants in your flower bed and garden.