Wilson® WEED OUT®
Lawn Weed Killer with Battery Sprayer
Former name: Wilson Lawn Weed Out Ultra with Battery Sprayer (3L)
If you’re facing an invasion of unwanted weeds, we have a product that will do you a power of good: our WEED OUT Lawn Weed Killer with Battery Sprayer! The sprayer can be used to spray large areas or to propel the liquid into hard-to-reach places. You can rid your lawn of broadleaf weeds, with visible results in as little as 24 hours. The spray works efficiently with long-lasting effects, killing weeds such as dandelions, plantains and ragweed right down to the roots -- with no regrowth. So get rid of weeds – and more power to you.
Other application types available
Rid your lawn of broadleaf weeds
Rid your lawn of broadleaf weeds
No more hand weeding: spray the weeds
No more hand weeding: spray the weeds
Visible effects in 24 hours
Visible effects in 24 hours

Active ingredient based on a natural plant hormone found in peas and broad bean plants
Active ingredient based on a natural plant hormone found in peas and broad bean plants

Black medic
Black medic



Fall hawkbit
Fall hawkbit





White clover
White clover
Installation and activation of battery sprayer
Step 1
Shake well before using.
Step 2
Remove sprayer from holder. Gently unwind tubing.
Step 3
Remove plug from top of cap.
Step 4
Securely snap the plug that is on the end of the tubing into the hole on the cap.
Step 5
Batteries are included. Remove plastic tab to activate batteries.
Spray application
Step 1
Aim toward target weeds and away from people and pets.
Step 2
Press the trigger to spray. Wet the foliage using short bursts of spray.
Step 3
Release the trigger to stop spray.
For more resistant weeds, re-apply after 4 to 6 weeks.
After use
Step 1
Twist nozzle completely to CLOSE position.
Step 2
Secure sprayer upright in holder.
Failure to adjust nozzle completely to CLOSE position and properly secure sprayer in holder may result in leakage and damage to property or injury to people and animals.
Step 1
Slide battery compartment door to unlatch and open.
Step 2
Remove used batteries and insert new AA batteries in correct positions as marked per diagram.
Step 3
Securely close battery compartment door.
Step 1
Shake well before using.
Step 2
Aim toward target weeds and away from people and pets.
Step 3
Press the trigger to spray. Wet the foliage using short bursts of spray.
Step 4
Release the trigger to stop spray.
For more resistant weeds, re-apply after 4 to 6 weeks.
- Use this product only when weeds are actively growing, because it is not intended to prevent new weed growth.
- This product can be directly applied to small patches and individual broadleaf weeds as a spot treatment.
- To maximize effectiveness, this herbicide should be used in conjunction with a sound turf management program.
- Do not apply to drought-stressed areas or newly seeded lawns.
- Do not apply in very hot weather (over 30 ᵒC or 86 ᵒF) or rainy weather, or if rainfall is forecast within the next 2 to 4 hours.
- Do not water for 2 hours after application.
- Do not mow lawn until the effect of weed treatment is visible.
- Apply only when weeds are present. Grass that is accidentally treated may temporarily turn brown but will recover.
Do not reuse the empty containers for other use than WEED OUT application. You can only reuse the container to refill it with Wilson WEED OUT Lawn Weed Killer Refill or Wilson WEED OUT Concentrate Lawn Weed Killer. Dispose empty container of household garbage. Unused or partially used products should be disposed of at provincially or municipally designated hazardous waste disposal sites.
To prevent contamination, store this product away from food or feed. Keep from freezing.
For additional product information or in case of emergency, spills or fire, call toll-free 1-800-268-2608.
General precautions
- Avoid activities that could result in skin contact with treated lawns or surfaces until product has dried.
- Do not apply to desirable plants.
- Do not apply when winds are gusty.
Hazards to humans
Can cause irritation to eyes. Can be harmful if ingested.
If in eyes
Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
If swallowed
Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a poison control centre or doctor. Take container, label or product name and P.C.P. Registration Number with you when seeking medical attention.
If inhaled
Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to mouth, if possible.
In every case, call a poison control centre or doctor for treatment advice.
4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid, present as potassium salt 4.5 g/L
Frequently asked questions about Wilson WEED OUT Lawn Weed Killer
The active ingredient 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid is based on a natural plant hormone found in peas and broad bean plants. WEED OUT is a selective herbicide. When sprayed on broadleaf weeds, it triggers the plant to wilt and die.
When used as directed, WEED OUT is safe for people and pets. When spray has dried, people and pets can enter area.
Do not water the lawn within 4 hours of application or when rain is expected. Once WEED OUT is applied to a weed, it will take up to 4 weeks for the weed to completely die. WEED OUT will not affect or kill weed seeds that have not germinated yet. If a weed seed germinates after WEED OUT is applied, an application to this new weed will need to be made.
Visible effects on the weeds (wilting) can be observed within 24 hours of spraying. Weeds will then die over a 4-week period.
WEED OUT is effective, giving excellent control of dandelion and plantain and top growth control of fall hawkbit, hawkweed, cinquefoil and black medic in turf.
Recently, concerns have been raised about 2,4-D. WEED OUT Lawn Weed Killer with Battery Sprayer doesn’t contain this active ingredient. The active ingredient used in WEED OUT is based on a natural plant hormone found in peas and broad bean plants. WEED OUT Lawn Weed Killer with Battery Sprayer is considered safe and legal for sale in all provinces except for Manitoba.
The WEED OUT Concentrate is banned in Manitoba, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island because some provinces don’t allow the use of concentrate products on lawns.
No, WEED OUT will have no permanent effect on grass or lawns. It only affects weeds that are listed on the label. Grass that is accidentally treated may temporarily turn brown but will recover.
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