Wilson®WIPE OUT®
Total Weed & Grass Killer Refill


Why go to the expense of buying a whole new sprayer when our refill is available? This bottle can be used to refill both the WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer spray and WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer with Battery Sprayer. It takes out virtually every kind of unwanted weed and grass, virtually anywhere they can be found: in flower gardens, on patios, driveways, sidewalks, along fences and much more. Not only that, it works at low temperatures (as low as 15º C or 59º F). What’s even better, there’s no residual soil activity so you can spray and plant the same day.

Other application types available

Benefits and characteristics

Kills moss and algae, and weeds like crabgrass, dandelion, poison ivy and many more
Kills moss and algae, and weeds like crabgrass, dandelion, poison ivy and many more
Wilson Benefits Clock
Visible results within hours
Visible results within hours

Where to use

  • Indoors

  • Outdoors

  • Lawn

  • Flower gardens

  • Edible gardens

  • Patios, sidewalks and driveways

  • Gravel

  • Buildings

  • Fences

Effective against

How to use Wilson WIPE OUT® Total Weed & Grass Killer Refill

Refilling WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer spray

Step 1
Unscrew and remove sprayer from original bottle.

Step 2
Remove cap from refill bottle.

Step 3
Place sprayer onto refill bottle, screw and tighten.

Step 4
Shake well before using.

Step 5
Adjust nozzle to coarse setting that produces larger drops which reduce drift.

Step 6
Cover weeds thoroughly.

Step 7
Repeat treatment if rain falls within 3 hours of application.




  • Repeat application every two to three weeks to control new weeds growing from seeds and regrowth from biennial and perennial weeds.
  • Best results obtained with young, actively growing weeds.
  • For mosses, algae, liverworts and lichens, one application may last up to a year.


  • Do not transfer or dilute the solution.
  • Do not apply to lawns or to desirable plants because of risk of damage. For spot control of weeds in lawns, we suggest using WEED OUT.
  • Thoroughly clean equipment after use.
  • Do not refill the container with any other product.
  • Do not reuse empty container.
  • Recycle empty container or dispose of in household garbage.

Keep in a dry cool place. Keep from freezing.


General precautions

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Use only in well ventilated areas.
  • For good hygiene, wear gloves when handling this product.


Hazards to humans

Can cause irritation to eyes. Can be harmful if ingested.


If on skin or clothing

Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.


If in eyes

Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.


If swallowed

Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a poison control centre or doctor. Take container, label or product name and P.C.P. Registration Number with you when seeking medical attention.


In every case, call a poison control centre or doctor for treatment advice.


For additional product information or in case of emergency, spills or fire, call toll-free 1-800-268-2608.


Download safety data sheet link

Ammonium Salt of Fatty Acid 5%

Frequently Asked Questions about Wilson WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer Refill

AWIPE OUT attacks the plant cell membranes, resulting in a very quick burn down of the plant.

When used as directed, WIPE OUT is safe for people and pets. When spray has dried, people and pets can enter area.

WIPE OUT will start working within a few hours of application. Repeat applications may be required every two to three weeks to control new weeds growing from seed and re-growth from biennial and perennial weeds.

Yes, WIPE OUT acts extremely fast with results observed within a few hours of application. This product works best during warm, dry conditions, but also works in cold weather. Application in cold conditions may delay appearance of plant damage.

WIPE OUT is effective against any weed or grass. Repeat applications may be required every two to three weeks to control new weeds growing from seed and re-growth from biennial and perennial weeds.

Recently, concerns have been raised about glyphosate. WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer doesn’t contain this active ingredient. WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer is considered safe and legal for sale in all Canadian provinces.

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