Wilson® BED BUG OUT®
Bed Bug Killer
Former name: Wilson One Shot Bed Bug Killer
If you find you have bed bugs, you don’t want to let them stick around. Because in addition to being uncomfortable, in rare cases, bed bug bites can lead to more serious complications, such as skin rashes, blisters and difficulty sleeping. Fight back with Wilson BED BUG OUT Bed Bug Killer. It has two active ingredients that work together to kill bed bugs instantly. Used as directed, it is safe for people and pets. It also contains essential oil of peppermint leaving an agreeable scent in your bedroom.
Immobilizes bed bugs instantly
Immobilizes bed bugs instantly
Kills bed bugs on contact
Kills bed bugs on contact
Easy-to-use aerosol spray
Easy-to-use aerosol spray
Two active ingredients
Two active ingredients
Step 1
Remove all bedding. Wash bedding in hot water. For even better results, dry on high heat as well.
Step 2
Thoroughly vacuum and air out mattresses and box spring.
Step 3
Shake well before using and hold can upright while spraying.
Step 4
Spray all joints, box springs, bed frames and headboards.
Step 5
Spray mattresses, particularly around seams and tufts.
Step 6
Allow treatment to dry before remaking bed with freshly washed bedding.
If the problem persists, steaming your mattress, baseboards, joints, box springs, bed frames, carpeting and flooring is a good option.
- Contains petroleum distillates. Do not breathe vapours or spray mist.
- Do not spray animals with this product.
- Remove animals for a minimum of 1 hour when spraying room. Vacate room for at least 15 minutes after spraying, and ventilate before re-entering.
- When container is empty, press valve to release all remaining pressure.
- Wrap and discard empty container in household garbage.
- Do not puncture or incinerate.
Store in a cool, dry area away from heat or open flame.
For additional product information or in case of emergency, spills or fire, call toll-free 1-800-268-2608.
General precautions
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Wash hands thoroughly after handling and before smoking or eating.
- Environmental: toxic to aquatic organisms
Hazards to humans
Can cause irritation to eyes. Can be harmful if ingested.
If on skin or clothing
Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
If in eyes
Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
If swallowed
Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a poison control centre or doctor. Take container, label or product name and P.C.P. Registration Number with you when seeking medical attention.
If inhaled
Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to mouth, if possible.
In every case, call a poison control centre or doctor for treatment advice.
D-Phenothrin 0.20%
Tetramethrin 0.20%
Frequently asked questions
Wilson BED BUG OUT Bed Bug Killer kills the insects by direct contact and by ingestion. Bed bugs hide during the day in cracks and crevices, even in electrical outlets and light switches.Take the box spring and mattress off the bed, apply BED BUG OUT Bed Bug Killer in the bed frame joints, on the tufts & seams of the box spring and mattress, and on floors and baseboards. For optimal results, we recommend using the spray to kill bed bugs that are visible. And then use in combination with BED BUG OUT Bed Bug & Crawling Insect Killer Dust to kill the ones that are in hiding. Dust has a longer lasting residual effect so it kills bed bugs when the ones that are hiding return.
Yes. But vacate the room for at least 15 minutes and aerate before entering. Then, re-assemble your bed with the treated box spring and mattress, replace bedding with clean sheets and pillow cases. Wash and dry your blankets and bedspread before putting them back on the bed.
Bed bugs are a difficult insect to eradicate, as they are masters at hiding during the day, only coming out at night when they sense your CO2 and body heat. BED BUG OUT Bed Bug Killer will control the insects and eggs that you affected with the spray. It’s the ones that you missed that may re-appear, which means it may take a few attempts to control them. Re-apply in 7 days. For optimal results, we also recommend using the spray to kill bed bugs that are visible. And then use in combination with BED BUG OUT Bed Bug & Crawling Insect Killer Dust to kill the ones that are in hiding. Dust has a longer lasting residual effect so it kills bed bugs when the ones that are hiding return.
Yes. If you are traveling by air, put it in your checked luggage since they will not allow you to take it on board with you.
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